Several gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, or obstructions in the fallopian tube can affect fertility or make it difficult to get pregnant. Gynaecologicallaparoscopy or keyhole procedure is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure to examine the reproductive organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. In this procedure, the patient is administered general anaesthesia. A small incision is created near the belly and a thin laparoscope is introduced into the abdomen to identify gynaecological issues.
We provide laparoscopic procedures for:
Fibroids (Laparoscopy Myomectomy):
Laparoscopic myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids present in the uterus. The surgery is usually done as a daycare procedure and the patients can return home within 24 hours of the treatment. The entire procedure takes about 15-35 minutes to complete.
Laparoscopic Endometrioma Removal:
Laparoscopic endometrioma removal is a common procedure which diagnoses and removes mild to moderate endometriosis.
Laparoscopic Dermoid Cyst Removal:
Laparoscopic dermoid cyst removal is a minimally invasive surgery to remove one or more cysts from one or both ovaries.
Laparoscopic Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Salpingostomy and salpingectomy are two laparoscopic procedures to treat ectopic pregnancies. In the salpingostomy, the ectopic pregnancy is removed and the tube is left to heal. In the salpingectomy, however, both the pregnancy and tube are removed.
Laparoscopic Pelvic Adhesiolysis:
This procedure is performed in chronic pelvic pain. Adhesions are a band of scar tissues that develop in the pelvic region and cause pain. In this procedure, adhesions in the pelvic region are either segregated or removed to restore normal functioning.
Laparoscopic Tubal Reversal:
Tubal ligation is a process to tie fallopian tubes. Women get their tubes tied to avoid pregnancy. A laparoscopic tubal reversal allows a woman to open the tubes again and reverse the ligation.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure to inspect the uterine cavity with the help of an endoscope. This allows evaluation of the uterus and diagnosis of problems such as polyps, and tumours.